How to Best Prepare for a Trip to the Dealership

When going to the dealership to find your next car there are steps you can take to make everything easier and even more expedient. The better prepared you are, the better this entire experience will be for you, but best of all, the better the chances will be of you leaving in a great car with terms that you find work well for you. Here are things to do when going to a dealership: 

1. Research ahead of time

It's a good idea to research some models that you feel would meet what it is that you are looking for in a car for yourself and your family. Get familiar with many of the available options and features as well, so you have a good idea of some things that you want to make sure your car has. When you have a good idea of what you want, then you can go to the dealership prepared to let the salesperson know what you are interested in seeing. They will be able to show you the models you may have put on your list and they will also have a good idea of other models that you should take a look at. 

2. Collect the necessary paperwork

Another thing that you can do to make your visit to the dealership a smoother one is to have all of the papers and documentation that you may need. Some of the things that you should have with you include: 

  • Your driver's license
  • Your social security number
  • The title for your trade-in
  • The current registration for your trade-in
  • Your proof of insurance
  • Your proof of residence
  • Your proof of employment
  • Your current proof of income
  • Contact information for references
  • Your bank account statements for the past 3 months
  • Your tax return for the last year

While you may not need all of these things, it's a good idea to come armed with them just in case you do need them. This way, there isn't going to be a hold-up when it comes to completing the auto loan and you can leave the lot in your new car. 

3. Come prepared to shop

When you go to the dealership, you don't want to feel uncomfortable and you don't want to find yourself rushed for time. So, make sure you wear comfortable shoes and that you are dressed for the weather. Also, go on a day when you don't have any other appointments scheduled. This way, you are prepared to spend as much time as needed to find the perfect car.

For more ideas, contact local Nissan dealerships. 
